If you or a family member have been injured in an auto accident, call us or make an appointment at no charge to discuss your injuries and potential claim. We represent accident victims on a contingency fee basis, which means you do not pay attorney’s fee if there is no recovery.
Injured on the job? You may be entitled to workers’ compensation benefits, regardless of who is at fault. The law requires employers to buy insurance and to compensate employees in case of work-related injuries.
Unfortunately, many people are injured by the negligent actions of others. We will investigate, partner with necessary experts, and secure evidence to find a solution to help you heal and move forward.
We provide representation for purchasers of houses or land and those who are refinancing a loan. We can assist buyers of commercial property or farmland. We also provide services for cash purchases.
Qualifying for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) can be a long, frustrating, and complex process. In fact, most people are turned down at first. We can help you navigate your claim and improve your chances.
We believe planning for your future and the future of your family is important. Consult with an attorney to decide what is right for you. Services include: Last Will and Testaments, Powers of Attorney, Living Wills, Healthcare Powers of Attorney, Deed Transfers, and more.
Only offered in Hartsville location
2917 W Palmetto St Florence, SC 29501
508 S. Fourth Street, Hartsville, SC 29550